With technological advancements taking place in the food industry, the method of instant freezing has become the most popular, healthy, and easy way to preserve perishable goods. With this technique the products are exposed to a temperature of -40ºC, which instantly freezes the water that naturally exists within the nature of foods. Instant freezing minimizes enzyme activities which enables the consumer to reach foods that are closest to their natural state, taste, smell, and nutritional value.
•Instant freezing is the only system that allows food products to be preserved for weeks or even months, keeping the initial quality almost intact. Frozen food technology is a highly costly investment that requires a vastly successful industrial substructure.
•Instant freezing is a completely different process compared to freezing your foods within your household freezer. Instant freezing ensures that the freezing process does not damage food quality, since slow freezing leads to the formation of macro-crystals of ice, which cut into the food tissues, making the food change consistency and lose nutritional characteristics upon thawing.
•With frozen products, the need to use artificial preservatives is extremely low. Depending on the product, it is even possible to use zero artificial preservatives.
Benefits of Frozen Foods:
•Freezing food with the right technique protects the consumer from artificial preservatives while preventing bacteria formation that may result in food poisoning.
•Frozen foods retain their vitamins and minerals and there is no change to the carbohydrate, protein or fat content. In some cases, frozen foods have more vitamins and minerals compared to fresh because fresh foods loose vitamins and minerals over time while freezing preserves nutrients.
•Frozen foods can be a convenient and affordable way to incorporate healthy foods from every food group, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, protein and dairy.
•Frozen foods do not require artificial preservatives.
•Frozen foods are budget-friendly. Keeping food fresh during transport and storage is very expensive, and the window of usability is very short. This is why frozen food is cheaper than fresh food. When it comes to frozen foods, you pay an absolute amount that corresponds to whatever it is you’re buying.